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Patient Participation Group

We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive the Practice and our staff.

To help us with this, we have set up a Patient Participation Group so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you have received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.

We aim to gather around a hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long-term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

If you wish to participate please contact the Practice or complete the online form by clicking on the button shown below

OR: if you prefer, you can download the sign-up form below, print it out, fill it in, and post it to the Practice, put it through the letterbox, or hand it to a Receptionist.

Download the pdf version of our sign up form

We aim to acknowledge your request within a few days.

Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.

The National Association of Patient Participation

This association aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients, the public and health professionals, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P. Find out more about them click here.

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.

PPG Minutes

PPG Minutes Thursday 17th March 2022

In attendance: Ed Brown/Bev Brown/Carol Perry/Indira Amin

From the surgery: Dr Raza Toosy/Alka Sethi/Uzma Syed/Julie Scott/Samantha Pannel

Dr Toosy welcomed everyone to our first FTF meeting since the pandemic began, it was nice to see everyone and thanked them all for coming.

Healthwatch survey and the action plan was discussed and the positive feedback from our patients was shared with all present.

New sign outside the surgery and how to make the outside more presentable

Walking group – Indira is running this for our surgery and is looking for more members to join. We can look to advertise this on our web page on the PPG notice board to and to let the Health Coach know about this group as well. Need to promote this valuable resource

Ed Brown fed back from the PRG group meeting that he attended (as our representative) with other members of the Wallington PCN gorup.

Significant complaints/events were discussed.

PPG Minutes Thursday 28th November 2021

In attendance: Edward Brown / Beverley Brown/ Carol Perry/ Indira Amin/Dr Raza Toosy/Alka Sethi

Time 7pm on Zoom

The Walking group set up and run by Indira Amin was discussed, the aim is to make sure that more of our patients are aware that this is running every Wednesday now at 10:30 – meeting at steps near Wallington Town Hall.

Action: to send a text to all those who need to walk – over 50 with long term conditions and our diabetic patients to let them know about this walking group and encourage them to join.
And add this onto the website. Also add the following link too onto the surgery website:

Healthwatch action points were discussed and the changes made and suggestions made were discussed to ensure that they have been implemented within the surgery. The findings and an action plan to be emailed to healthwatch.

Complaints and any significant events were discussed.

PPG Minutes Monday 26th April 2021

Zoom Meeting. In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient)  Mrs Carol Perry (Patient)

Just a general “chat” about how everyone has been during COVID and in the main how the PPG feel our surgery has been during this time – general consensus – all very pleased with how we have “been” and how approachable we are too

Phonecalls praised – as we try to contact patients generally within an hour – unlike other surgeries, we don’t have a cap on how many apts we have in one day – deal with todays problem today

Blood tests and booking of these is of concern and some members of the PPG were not able to book appts online and the phone line is not answered quick enough – AS is going to see if there is a contact for anyone at St Helier / swiftqueue to see if this can be looked at?

PRG – when is the next meeting, AS to find out and email Eddie about this and maybe arrange a separate zoom meeting about this with him

Next meeting set for July 26th at 7pm – will have agenda and discuss complaints/incidents at this meeting.

PPG Minutes Monday 20th January 2020

In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient)  Mrs Carol Perry (Patient) Mrs Margaret Reed (Patient) Mrs Nina Amin (Patient)

Previous agenda items were discussed. New member Nina Amin was introduced.

1. Meeting with Wally Walks
Hoping to start this from our surgery on Weds mornings. 10:30 walk for 35-40 mins. Nina explained how this would work and hopes to start on April 29th 2020. Talk on 1st May 2020 at Holy Trinity and all are welcome

2. Friends and Family comments
Very positive comments. Comments are displayed for public view on this page 

3. PLT Event on 4th February 2020
Dr Toosy informed member of PLT Learning event about PCNs. PCNs were discussed in more detail. Will take the afternoon and the surgery will be covered during this time.

4. PRG
Mr Brown will attend on 29th Jan 2020 and feedback in the next meeting

5. COPD Event
Feedback was very positive on the event and it is hoped that this will be a template for future events

6. Incident and Complaints
Complaints and Incidents since the last meeting were discussed and feedback given.

Next meeting will be on Monday 18th March 2019 at 11.45.

PPG Minutes Monday 4th November 2019

In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient)  Mrs Carol Perry (Patient)

Previous agenda items were discussed

1. GP Survey Results
General positive. Areas where improvement were discussed Click here for more about the survey

2. Friends and Family comments
Very positive comments.

3. Immunisations
Issue nationally esp with MMR. Surgery using PatientChase which has helped catch immunisations a lot since starting it

4. PCNs
Dr Toosy discussed concept of PCNs as organisations which group together GP surgeries in groups of 50,000 patients

5. COPD Events and other
COPD event was discussed with positive feedback around this.

6. Complaints and Incidents
Complaints and Incidents discussed and reviewed.

Next meeting will be on Monday 20th January 2020 at 1.30.

PPG Minutes Monday 18th February 2019

In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient)  Mrs Carol Perry (Patient)

Previous agenda items were discussed

1. PRG Meeting
Mr Brown went over Support and Planning PRG Meeting. Informed us of new changes.

2. Walking Group
To try to organise one. Informed that one patient was interested in doing something.

3. Complaints and Incidents
4 incidents were discussed and Dr Toosy explained the process of how they were handled. PPG were satisfied that they were handled appropriately.

4. DoctorLink
Discussed Doctor Link and plans to implement this

5. NHS 10 year plan for MH
Discussed about MH review in terms of 10 year plan.

Next meeting will be on Monday 4th November 2019 at 11.45.

PPG Minutes Monday 10th December 2018

In Attendance

Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient)  Mrs Carol Perry (Patient)

Previous agenda items were discussed

1. Healthwatch discussion from Pam Howe
Mr Brown’s task was to go over the web page and comment on its usability. He found it useful and easy to navigate. Friends and Family comments are posted each month as are PPG minutes. The site is maintained solely by Dr Toosy rather than relying on a 3rd party company so hopefully is more user-friendly this way and cont.

2. Friends and Family comments
Very positive comments. One poor comment about admin to give a patient a PIN. Unfortunately didn’t leave their details so unable to follow up but will look into this. Comments are displayed for public view on this page 

4. Complaints and Incidents
4 incidents were discussed and Dr Toosy explained the process of how they were handled. PPG were satisfied that they were handled appropriately.

5. Healthy Walks
Patient of Dr Toosy is involved with a Health Walk scheme for Social Prescribing. Will contact us with regard to how this works and waiting for her to get back to us. Dr Toosy happy to attend when organised to collectively join a walk with the patients from the surgery.

6. Pathology Investigations
Dr Toosy discussed how our surgery has been requesting more blood test than any other surgery in the local area. A discussion was made around if this was positive or negative considering that it cost a few pounds per test. From a patients perspective, this was positive as it represented proactive care. The PPG were happy for Dr Toosy to continue to request Bloods as required.

Next meeting will be on Monday 18th March 2019 at 11.45.

PPG Minutes Monday 4th June 2018

In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient) Mrs Margared Reed (Patient) Mrs Carol Perry (Patient)

Previous agenda items were discussed from the positive personal letter from Tom Brake to previous friends and family comments.

1. Information Board and Fencing
A discussion was made about the board outside with fencing. RT will go back to Dr Toosy senior and see what he can do to help this.

2. Friends and Family comments
Very positive comments. Only negative was about waiting to see Dr Toosy during the busy winter months. Comments are displayed for public view on this page 

4. Complaints
2 complaints were mainly gone over since the last meeting. They discussed and PPG felt the actions were appropriate. It was commented by Dr Toosy that it’s important for the PPG to pick up on anything they see which on the patient’s side which needs to be looked at to tell Alka or Dr Toosy who will take it forward as they don’t really see the patient-facing side of the surgery.

5. Protected Teaching
On Wednesday 6th and 13th Sutton CCG Practices have protected time for lectures with their practices so the surgery will be handed out to the out of hours staff from 12.30 to 6.30.

6. District Nurses
A discussion was made around the District Nurses and Dr Toosy commented that St Helier has got the contract for this moving forward so it could be the fact that we are getting vertical integration with the Hospital on one side, Primary Care on the other and community in the middle which he hopes will create a better and more seamless pathway for patient care.

6. CCG Patient Survey
The latest Patient Survey was discussed. Of note, it was noted that we are the best in the CCG for ease of getting through to someone in the surgery and the best for the convenience of the appointment they were able to get. Also, we were 2nd in the CCG for the experience of making an appointment and 2nd in the CCG for hours that the GP surgery is open.

This was all very positive. Dr Toosy mentioned that we are currently running at next day appointments and although it is difficult to manage the load, patients probably appreciate it more.

7. Review of Significant Complaints/Incidents
Reviewed anonymised complaints and incidents within the surgery for the last quarter. All seemed appropriately dealt with and no further comments were made

Next meeting will be on Monday 15th October 2018 at 1pm.

PPG Minutes Monday 3rd October 2016

In Attendance
Dr Raza  Toosy (GP) Alka Sethi (PM) Mr Edward Brown (Patient) Mrs Sandra Usher (Patient) Mrs Margared Reed (Patient)

1. Improvement Grant
A discussion was made by Dr Toosy for an improvement grant for the surgery. The flooring in some clinical rooms needed updating as do sinks. Also, an application was made for a lift between the ground and 1st floor. We are waiting for acceptance of these for the grant to improve the surgery premises

2. Friends and Family comments
Mostly positive. One or two around the time patients have to wait in the clinic for Dr Toosy. It was noted that an audit was already done on waiting times and was presented in the last PPG Meeting around this issue.

3. Mobile Phone Usage
The notice was up from last time. No one noticed any issues with patients who are answering and talking in the waiting room

4. Facebook Page or User Forum
There was a discussion around whether or not we should have a facebook or forum page for patients to input and discuss the surgery. This might improve PPG membership. The PPG felt that there might not be a good enough user base and would be some effort for not many subscribers but suggested to look to implement and see if it builds up. Dr Toosy will action this and see the feedback.

5. PPG Led Patient Survey
Mr Brown mentioned about a recent Healthwatch group he attended and suggested around organising a qualitative survey run by the PPG and fed back in the next meeting. Dr Toosy felt it was a good idea. The nature of the survey is as follows with the following question posed

“Thinking about any of the local health services listed below, that you have used or know someone who has, can you tell us what you think is working well in the service, any areas where you think the service could be improved and anything with that service that you would like to see done differently or better.”

There would be 3 boxes for different providers

1. What is working well
2. What could be improved
3. What would you like to see done differently.

Mr Brown will liaise with Alka Sethi to formulate how this can be distributed to patients and how the information and be collated and reported for the next meeting.

6. CCG Patient Survey
The latest Patient Survey was discussed. Of note, it was noted that we are the best in the CCG for ease of getting through to someone in the surgery and the best for the convenience of the appointment they were able to get. Also, we were 2nd in the CCG for the experience of making an appointment and 2nd in the CCG for hours that the GP surgery is open.

This was all very positive. Dr Toosy mentioned that we are currently running at next day appointments and although it is difficult to manage the load, patients probably appreciate it more.

7. Review of Significant Complaints/Incidents
Reviewed anonymised complaints and incidents within the surgery for the last quarter. All seemed appropriately dealt with and no further comments were made

Next meeting will be on Thursday 26th January 2017 at 1pm.